

Sebring Citrus Grower Tapped for the FL Citrus Hall of Fame

12 Dec, 2017 | Business Updates | News | 0 Comments | Return|

佛罗里达柑橘名人堂评选委员会宣布,两位杰出领导人将在周五举行的第56届柑橘庆祝午宴上入选名人堂, March 9, 2018 at Florida Southern College in Lakeland.

L. Gene Albrigo, of Daytona Shores, Fla., and Marvin D. Kahn, of Sebring, Fla., will be honored at the luncheon, scheduled to take place at 11:30 a.m. at Florida SoMarvin Kahnuthern College.

马文·卡恩是卡恩格罗夫服务和卡恩柑橘管理有限责任公司在佛罗里达州赛百灵的总裁., which he helped build from 400 acres to managing over 5,500 acres at its peak. 他是赛百灵6686体育集团官网柑橘种植者协会的创始成员和首任主席, 在国家综合规划的早期发展中,是什么帮助保护了农业利益. An innovative grower, caretaker and marketer, 50多年来,卡恩一直是柑橘行业变革的积极推动者, 担任多种领导职务,确保保护种植者的产权. 他在佛罗里达柑橘委员会工作了8年,之后继续在长期规划委员会工作了多年. An early practitioner of water management practices, he promptly invested in overhead sprinklers for his groves, 随后是小容量灌溉,是西南水资源管理区工作小组的一员,最终开发了第一个用水警示区. A founding member of the Highlands County 4-H Club Foundation, 他帮助筹集资金支持4-H计划,并花时间在他的树林里为6686体育集团官网的学生们举办参观活动,让他们对这个行业有第一手的了解. He has received numerous awards, including Outstanding Farmer in Highlands County, Outstanding Soil Conservationist, Runner-up – Outstanding Farmer in Florida, Florida Bankers Award for Soil Conservation and Outstanding Young Men of America, to name just a few. 他还成立了佛罗里达拉客步道协会和佛罗里达拉客步道骑行,以重现佛罗里达的一部分历史,以纪念佛罗里达牧牛人从fort. Pierce to Bradenton for shipment to Cuba. 名人堂成员布兰特利·席拉德说:“马文·卡恩的关键词是激情. 他被驱使去那里代表行业讨论、纠正和坚持.”

Gene Albrigo作为佛罗里达大学食品和农业科学研究所阿尔弗雷德湖柑橘研究和教育中心(UF/IFAS CREC)的研究科学家,在佛罗里达柑橘产业领导了数十年的杰出职业生涯。. 他的研究重点是了解柑橘树和水果与害虫的相互作用, diseases and environmental stresses and has been instrumental in a variety of areas, including protecting fruit from canker and most recently, understanding symptom development of greening (HLB). 他还创建了一个种植者友好的模型来预测柑橘树开花的强度和日期, 产生了“花芽诱导咨询”报告,并通过营养喷雾增加了花的诱导. An outstanding educator, 他领导了柑橘学硕士学位的发展,并开发了三门园艺科学系课程,吸引了来自世界各地的学生来上他的课. 他还在农业学院开发了音频视频教学, which became the standard for IFAS-wide Distance Education delivery of classes, meetings and conferences. 他的研究生在佛罗里达州和世界各地的柑橘产业中都处于有影响力的地位. Albrigo has over 130 published works and has published the book “Citrus,” with Fred S. Davies, which covers all aspects of citrus production. An active member of many horticultural-related organizations, 他被授予佛罗里达州立园艺学会荣誉会员,以表彰他为该组织服务近50年. Although he retired in 2010, 他继续在CREC从事资助的研究工作——每周有三天往返于他位于代托纳海滩的家和波尔克县. John Jackson, Chairman of the FCHOF, noted “For Gene, it’s not just a job – it’s a commitment to the growers and dedication to the industry.”


佛罗里达柑橘名人堂旨在表彰为佛罗里达柑橘产业做出重大贡献的杰出领导人. 柑橘名人堂展示和档案中心位于莱克兰佛罗里达南方学院的麦凯档案馆内. For more information on members of the Citrus Hall of Fame, visit the web site at www.FloridaCitrusHallofFame.com which includes access to biographies and photos on all members, noting their accomplishments and including various industry links.


Tickets to the luncheon, which is co-sponsored by Florida Citrus Mutual and The Florida Department of Citrus, are $100 for Patron Seating or $1,500 for a Sponsor Table, which includes preferred seating for 8, table signage and a listing in the program. The event will be followed by the Florida Citrus Processors’ Association’s OJ "Meet & 当他们在佛罗里达柑橘名人堂树上揭幕他们的名字时,与入选者打招呼, located in the McKay Archives Center. 教育柑橘展览将特色从一月到三月,柑橘档案之旅将提供. 所有门票收入的一部分将用于资助一个教育推广项目,以帮助宣传佛罗里达柑橘产业的历史.


To purchase tickets, 请致电佛罗里达柑橘互助基金(863)682-1111或访问佛罗里达柑橘名人堂网站www.FloridaCitrusHallofFame.com. For more information on sponsorship opportunities, 请致电(561)351-4314或通过电子邮件BBurne1003@aol与Brenda Eubanks Burnette联系.com.

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