

SBA Monthly Webinars

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Upcoming Webinars – August 2019


The Secret Sauce to Success- The Entrepreneurial Mindset

Thursday, August 1, 2019 from 1pm to 2pm EST

Entrepreneurs are truly a special breed! 要在创业中取得成功,需要具备一定的技能和特点. Unfortunately, 这些技能中最重要的也是最容易被忽视和低估的:创业心态!

In this fun, dynamic, 互动环节由Social MarQui创始人兼首席增长策略师主持——更好的数字营销促进业务增长, Dr. Marcus Alexander, you’ll learn:

  • 世界顶级企业家使用的创业心态的成功秘诀

  • 为什么企业家的心态是让你的生意成功所需要的最重要的技能, even more important than cash flow!)

  • 如何使用企业家的心态来加速你的业务,即使没有其他

  • 如何不断成长和磨练你的创业思维,使你的事业(和生活)更快达到新的水平



YELP 101 Webinar

Wednesday, August 7, 2019 from 10am to 11am ESTYELP 101 Webinar

在本次网络研讨会中,您将学习如何利用Yelp的免费工具来获得更多的客户. Topics include information on claiming your business page via Yelp, which is free to do, as well as basic info on adding important info to your Yelp page, using check-in offers and responding to reviews.




Simple Social Media Must-Do's for Small Business Owners

Thursday, August 22, 2019 from 1pm to 2pm EST

For many small business owners, 在社交媒体上与客户保持联系可能会让人感到不知所措. In this webinar, Deluxe的小型企业服务社交媒体策略总监Katie Cerney将为小企业主介绍一些简单的社交必须做的事情,并分享跟上不断变化的平台的技巧.

You’ll learn:

  • Where and why to build a social presence

  • Why engagement is critical on social channels

  • How to create a social content strategy and publishing calendar

  • Tips for creating great social photos & videos

  • What are hashtags and why should you use them

  • How to use paid social ads to help achieve your goals

  • 全国各地通过社交媒体活动取得成功的企业的例子




End the Year in Good Legal Standing

Tuesday, August 27, 2019 from 1pm to 2pm EST

作为公司和有限责任公司运营的企业受到内部和外部合规要求的约束. 在秋天留出一些时间来重新审视你的业务状况,确保你在国家的信誉良好,这一点很重要. In this webinar, Nellie Akalp of CorpNet, 在2019年结束之前,你会解释这些合规要求和其他必要的法律事项吗.

Participants will learn:

  • 为什么在年底重新审视你的业务实体是个好主意, especially if you operate as a sole proprietorship or partnership

  • 公司和有限责任公司在2020年之前需要审查的主要内部和外部合规要求

  • 公司或有限责任公司在其所在州陷入不良地位的后果




A Practical Approach to Small Business Budgeting

Thursday, August 29, 2019 from 1pm to 2pm EST

保持年度预算被认为是发展业务的最佳实践, yet many small business owners don’t engage in the budgeting process. This webinar, presented by CPA Terry Bishop, 将概述如何组织你的财务目标和发展你的业务.

You’ll learn:

  • 预算选项以及如何为您的业务和目标选择最佳格式

  • How to set realistic goals and understand the budgeting process

  • The proper way to evaluate budget vs. actual results

  • 如何与你的合作伙伴和顾问一起工作,并在计划过程中创建一个预算




Social Media for the Small Business Owner

Thursday, August 15, 2019 from 2:30pm to 4pm EST

Do you want to have a greater social presence online, 但需要帮助想出一个策略来最好地接触你现有的和潜在的新客户? Discover which social media platforms are the best for your business, 如何创造有创意和吸引人的内容,以达到你的目标受众, 并实施以数据为导向、以客户为导向的数字营销计划.




Market Research

你有一个很棒的产品或服务,但是谁是你的客户,你怎样才能接触到他们? 参加SBA的免费在线课程,了解如何识别您的客户以及如何向他们推销.


Be Inspired: Small Business Success Story

安德烈亚斯·奥祖纳(Andreas Ozzuna)从小就和祖母一起烘焙alfajores,并经常光顾祖父在布宜诺斯艾利斯开的熟食店. As a child, Andreas aspired to work in the family business, 但直到41岁,她才决定把自己的烹饪爱好变成一份全职工作.

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A Guide to SBA's Disaster Assistance Programs

A disaster can happen without warning. 通过启动SBA的免费自定进度在线培训,了解SBA的灾难援助计划,为您的小企业做好准备.

Launch the course


Why Visiting Franchisees In-Person Is So Important

对你感兴趣的特许经营机会进行尽职调查包括几个步骤. The most important step: talking to existing franchisees. But in our hyper-connected world, “talking” can mean several things.

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Blogs and Recorded Business Training Videos


Encore Entrepreneurship for Women





Protect your business against cyber threats and scams

As a small business owner, you have a lot on your mind. 你不能因为骗子或网络受损而损失时间或金钱. That's why the U.S. 小企业管理局和联邦贸易委员会已经联手提供资源来保护你的小企业免受网络威胁和诈骗.




Recorded webinars from SCORE



SBA Learning Center



About the Author


Highlands County Secures $62,500 in Grant Funding From Florida DEO

Highlands County Secures $62,500 in Grant Funding From Florida DEO

6686体育集团官网从佛罗里达州竞争伙伴关系和社区规划中获得了两笔赠款 ...

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New Gyroplane Business Relocates to Sebring Regional Airport

New Gyroplane Business Relocates to Sebring Regional Airport

Pictaio Aerospace has relocated from Dubuque Iowa. Explains CEO, Chris Lord, “Recently we team...

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SEBRING, FL (Feb. 2021年11月11日)- Bernie Little Distributors于周四举行了奠基仪式...

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通过吸引各种新企业和增加工业投资,提高6686体育集团官网的生活质量, 同时促进现有企业和行业的保留和成功扩展.

Keep In Touch

Economic Development
Highlands County Board of County Commissioners
(P) 863.402.6924
(F) 863.402.6651