

SBA Monthly Webinars

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Upcoming Webinars – January 2020


2020’s Hottest Businesses, Markets & Trends

Tuesday, December 31, 2019 from 1pm to 2pm EST

As we enter a new decade, consumer expectations are changing. Is your small business keeping up?

In this webinar, 由小企业专家和畅销书作家里瓦·列森斯基主持,  你将了解最热门的新小企业和行业, how to target different generations of consumers, 最新的消费者和商业趋势,以及你的小企业如何最好地适应等等, such as:

  • The meaning of BOPUS & who’s using it the most
  • Why the smartphone is the new storefront
  • The retail surge inspired by Marie Kondo
  • Get the scoop on “adult” ice cream
  • And more




Women Owned Small Business Contracting (WOSB) Certification

Wednesday, January 8, 2020 from 11am to 12pm EST

妇女拥有的小企业(WOSB)项目旨在通过为妇女拥有的小企业提供公平的竞争环境,帮助更多的妇女拥有的小企业赢得联邦合同. 本课程概述了WOSB和EDWOSB联邦合同计划以及资格要求. 所有有兴趣在WOSB计划下为WOSB计划预留的招标中提交报价的小企业必须在提交报价之前完成此认证. 本课程还涵盖了最近关于唯一来源权威和自我认证的法规变化.




Marketing For People Who Hate Marketing

Thursday, January 16, 2019 from 1pm to 2pm EDT

For anyone that feels overwhelmed by marketing, let alone creating a marketing department, this is for you. 我们将介绍使用最新的数字工具和传统方法来建立或更新营销部门的四个步骤. During this training you will:

  • Develop a roadmap for reinventing your Marketing Department
  • Learn the nine sections of a modern CRM-based marketing plan
  • Learn steps to take to delegate and automate your marketing





Thursday, January 16, 2020 from 2pm to 3pm EST

能够从客户那里创造更可预测的收入流的公司有能力更好地规划, reduce stress, and improve profitability. 


在本课程中,由Stride Russel Benaroya的财务专家和合伙人介绍,您将了解:

  • 经常性收入业务的例子,哪些模式可能适合您当前的产品或服务

  • 经常性收入的利弊以及如何管理风险

  • 了解和影响重要的指标,以增加收入和盈利能力




Marketing Your Business to the Federal Government

Wednesday, January 15, 2020 from 11am to 12pm EST


The discussion includes:

  • •合同实体使用哪个网站来寻找承包商
  • • Which NAICS codes and how many should you use
  • • What is a good “Capability Statement”
  • •对于签约官员和选拔官员来说,什么是最重要的
  • • How to improve your website




Smart Credit Card Strategies for Entrepreneurs

Tuesday, January 28, 2020 from 1pm to 2pm EST

超过一半的企业家在他们的小企业中使用信用卡. While credit cards can be a great tool for managing cash flow, 作为一种短期贷款选择很有帮助,甚至可以为你赢得一些甜蜜的奖励, 还有一些代价高昂的陷阱是你一定要避免的.

In recognition of Financial Wellness Month, SCORE和Nav正在合作,为您带来重要的见解和最佳实践,以管理您的业务中信用卡的使用,从而为您带来6686体育集团官网.

信用专家和Nav的教育总监Gerri Detweiler将讨论:

  • The best ways to leverage credit cards for entrepreneurs
  • 无论你是创业公司还是在做生意,如何获得最好的商务信用卡
  • How different cards affect your credit scores
  • The key differences between personal and business cards
  • 给员工或商业伙伴送卡片的基本策略
  • Choosing and maximizing rewards
  • A common credit card mistake many small business owners make, and the plastic you should be cautious about using




Trademarks & Copyrights - Is Your Brand Protected?

Thursday, January 30, 2020 from 1pm to 2:15pm EST

Your brand is your reputation, your promise to your customers, your values and how you live those values every day.

Join Deborah Sweeney, 他曾是公司和知识产权律师,后来成为企业家, 并在下次网络研讨会上学习如何保护您的品牌免受模仿者和竞争对手的侵害.

You’ll learn:

  • Why you need trademarks and copyrights
  • The process for obtaining them
  • What type of content can be protected and more









Get Your Nomination in Today

Don’t be shy, we want you to brag. 小企业管理局正在接受2020年全国小企业周奖的提名, including the annual Small Business Person of the Year. 告诉我们你的故事,有机会获得国家小企业成就最高荣誉之一.

Submit your nomination



Marketing Mistakes That Can Haunt Your Business

鬼魂、小妖精和食尸鬼并不是唯一能困扰小企业主的东西. 许多企业家都犯了一些常见的营销错误,这些错误可能会给他们的企业带来可怕的后果. 你是在让这些营销混乱把你的客户吓跑吗?

Read more 



Market Research

你有一个很棒的产品或服务,但是谁是你的客户,你怎样才能接触到他们? 参加SBA的免费在线课程,了解如何识别您的客户以及如何向他们推销.

How to Buy a Business

Are you thinking about buying a business? 参加SBA的免费在线培训,了解如何确定企业价值以及如何转让企业所有权.


How to Prepare a Loan Package

Are you thinking about securing a loan for your small business? 参加SBA的免费在线培训,了解如何准备贷款包.Launch the course



Blogs and Recorded Business Training Videos


Answers to 5 Questions about Overtime Rules


Recorded webinars from SCORE - http://www.score.org/recorded-webinars

SBA Learning Center - http://www.sba.gov/learning-center


About the Author


Federal Reserve: Annual Small Business Credit Survey Report

Federal Reserve: Annual Small Business Credit Survey Report


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Free Business Webinars in September

Free Business Webinars in September

The U.S. 小企业管理局(SBA)和SCORE,全国最大的网络...

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Sebring Airport Partners With Chinese General Aviation Capitol

Sebring Airport Partners With Chinese General Aviation Capitol


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February 2019 Economic Development Updates

February 2019 Economic Development Updates


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Highlands County Economic Development Updates - September 2018


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January Economic Development Updates

January Economic Development Updates

96 p{ margin:10px 0; padding:0; } table{ border-collapse:collapse; } h1,h...

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通过吸引各种新企业和增加工业投资,提高6686体育集团官网的生活质量, 同时促进现有企业和行业的保留和成功扩展.

Keep In Touch

Economic Development
Highlands County Board of County Commissioners
(P) 863.402.6924
(F) 863.402.6651